Augmented Experience | EASA Workshop @Rijeka, Croatia 2018

|| AUGMENTED EXPERIENCE workshop | July-August 2018

site | Rijeka, Croatia

project | RE:EASA 2018

description | non-material temporary workshop based on the production of digital drawings by combining analog and digital techniques

tutors | Hristina Stojanović, Nikola Milanović

participants | Aniruddh Sharan, Elena Kaytaz, Flores Axel Böðvarsson Terry, Gogi Kamushadze, Hilda Uusitalo, Maciek Wewiór, Marte Aateigen Marum, Natalia Drożdżowska, Pāvels Osipovs

collaborators | RE:MAP workshop by So & So Studio

Project description

AUGMENTED EXPERIENCE workshop is a two-week workshop held at 2018 European Architecture Students Assembly RE:EASA 2018 in Rijeka, Croatia.

The basic idea of the workshop is to capture the 360×180° panoramic views of different locations in Rijeka and transcribe them into an architectural drawing using various analog and digital techniques and then, as a new picture representing the same space, return them to virtual and question the results. Drawing methodology consists of 7 steps divided into three phases that combine analog and digital techniques: photography, ink on paper, marker-pen, technical pen, collage, etc. and Photoshop CS editing. The analog suggests to the unavoidable presence of the author – unforeseen ’’mistakes’’ (made in the transcribing process) are uncontrolled but unique and impossible to produce digitally. Additionally, digital space offers infinite possibilities in perceiving the work of drawing and emphasizes the presence of the viewer offering him different perspectives.

The aim of the workshop is to explore the potential of combining analog and digital techniques of drawing and possibilities of using virtual reality infrastructure in architecture, as well as offering the residents of the city of Rijeka a whole new perspective of some of the important and well-known locations in the city.